Safe, but Dangerous

"Is he good?" "Of course he's good, but he's not a tame lion."

"Knowledge is Power"

I only speak my opinion in my voice. How you take it, and what you hear is your choice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

World Trading Disasters

As per request, I’m going to tell my side of the other day that will live in infamy. I’ve been waiting on a time when I feel like I can do a general rant, and focus on 9/11. In order for me to get the full side/story out, I’m going to get personal, and describe my day that day. Basically, I’m going to answer the old question of, “Where were you when the towers fell?” Then, I’ll slip into my thoughts and views as the years have progressed.

The day the towers fell, 9/11/01, I was 15 and a student at Orangefield High School. I was in my Chemistry class, and the bell rang for us to go to our next class. I’m walking down the hallways, and I’m hearing commotion. I couldn’t tell what everyone was saying, but I knew it was bad. I got scared for like a bomb threat, a school shooting, or something. I just continued to my class, History class, which still to this day makes me laugh that I was going into History to see history, from my Chemistry class which can teach you how to make bombs. Crazy shit, right? Anyway, my teacher was staring intently at the TV. Everyone was watching. People gathered in the halls to stop and watch. I sat down in my seat, at the front near the TV. We were entranced by the the first tower just billowing with smoke. As we are all viewing, we see the second plane hit. I couldn’t believe it. I saw on national TV, along with everyone else, a terrible tragedy that would forever stain my mind, and everyone’s life. I then heard reports of people jumping to their death. It’s horrific. No matter who was the cause of this, they are horrible people and deserve to suffer the worst karma imaginable. If this wasn’t tragic enough, I had to leave school during the whole shit to go to my grandmothers rosary (Catholic viewing of the recently deceased). It was my dad’s mother, she was awesome. Some great memories of her, but that’s a whole other story (may she rest in peace).

After the rosary we all went back to my grandparents house to eat and mourn. My grandfather didn’t take it well at all, but that’s understandable, especially with his situation. While we were there we had the news on, and they kept repeating the planes hitting, the towers collapsing, and Osama Bin Laden being the man in charge. I don’t ever remember the President speaking or anything. The entire day continued to be depressing.

A few months or years passed, and they eventually came out with the 9/11 documentary film that was the one that started off revolving around the firefighter in NYC, then follows them to the towers. It was intense. It gets you literally inside the towers. You can hear bodies of the people jumping hitting the concrete. In some frames, you can see the bodies. If I remember correctly, they were in the basement of one of the towers as it collapsed, either that, or they got out just before. Either way, I swear I heard bombs go off, but it could’ve been the bodies again, but hearing and seeing the collapse was nuts. Then, seeing all the people in the street covered in debris. People running down the street, jumping into businesses to get away from the wave of smoke and debris. Windows shattering, vehicles shaking. It was chaos. That film got to me. A true horror film.

I remember at some point hearing about building 7 collapsing, the Pentagon being hit, and the plane in Pennsylvania. It was tragic, but I didn’t think or look into it too much. It wasn’t until after college when I started reading about it, watching documentaries, etc... Getting different views, and stories. I watched one about some wives who were questioning the government and such about their husbands, and stories weren’t sinking up. For years the government gives them the run around, giving no conclusive evidence of anything.

I watched another documentary about how the American military had trained Al Quidea in the past because we sold them weapons, and we had to train them how to use them. It also dealt with W’s involvement with Osama, and how that they had a background, and there is this big ordeal on oil and gas, and Osama wasn’t in with W, or our country. He wouldn’t make a deal. I remember watching videos of W during that day. He was reading for elementary kids, and someone whispers in his ear, and W gives this weird look. He says that he didn’t want to alarm the children, but that’s not what I got from the look. What I got was, “Oh shit, they did it.” Or, “Okay it’s done. Phase 2.” Whatever look it was, it certainly didn’t come off as a shock, surprise, or horrific. It seemed like he just kind of blew it off.

I remember reading an article for the 9th anniversary of the event, and it was talking about how approximately 900 people who were helping that day have died since then. People who were there before, during, and after the collapse helping others get medical help, get to safety, and digging up all the debris have died because they helped. They died from diseases, viruses, infections, etc... They died from things that could have been treated, but they didn’t have the money to do so. The government did not help as they said they would. 100 people a year died, due to the government. It’s tragic. Shortly after getting worked up abut that, I discovered my favorite documentary about 9/11. ‘In Plane Site’ is a guy giving you all the videos that have been given to the public of that day. I believe it’s four different people in four different places getting the same thing on film at the same time. It’s crazy, you can see the planes from four different angles. He also goes in depth with the Pentagon, and others.

Things he talks about was not a surprise, but eye opening. In all the different angles you can see the planes from under, and it looks like something is attached to the bottom of the plane. A normal commercial plane does not have that, and if one did have that, it would take a lot of time and effort to put it there, and would be found out before the plane took off. Therefore, it couldn’t have been a commercial plane as the media says, unless it was a deep inside job. There is also a flash seen on the glass of the building just before the plane hits, other people yelling about how it’s not a commercial plane, or American plane, and one man who was a pilot says it wasn’t a normal plane based simply off the size. People also talked about seeing and hearing explosions as the buildings collapsed, about what the buildings were made of, the blue prints, and how these buildings could collapse the way they did. The only it could be was by chemical demolition explosions. Even judging by what was left behind after the collapse you can tell something else was involved.

He talks about the Pentagon and shows an in-depth computer simulation of a plane going into the building, the video that the media gives us, and the after picture. There is no way a plane flew into that building, unless the wings broke off before it hit the building, and the plane disintegrated completely, but that seems impossible. There are no plane pieces, no burning marks on furniture close by the hole, and no one was hurt, in fact, no one was there at all. The only video that the media gives is of one camera from one angle, and there’s a glitch. You see nothing, then a flash, and the Pentagon with a hole. It had to have been a missile of sorts.

Then, the Pennsylvania plane disappeared as well, there was just a hole. Also, the same flight number that was said to have crashed, 91 I believe it was, actually touched down in Illinois, I think, minutes before. How can Flight 91 be in two places at once? What trips me up more is that was the flight where the whole ordeal with the passenger being a hero came up. The guy who fought the terrorist who was armed with a box cutter, brought him down, and took the plane with them before they crashed into some place else. So, this area hasn’t been looked into enough, but it’s still weird that no plane remnants were there.

Also, building 7 just collapsed on its own, like a demolition, and no one was hurt. The media says it had an infrastructure fire, and couldn’t handle the weight of the debris from the other towers. Yeah, right. One guy that was interviewed said that building was supposed to be “pulled.”

The man doing this great documentary makes a very great point at the beginning. He talks about how you can call all of these things “conspiracy theories”, but if there is evidence to back it up, and there is no sold evidence to back up the other side, then it is no longer a “theory”, it’s a “possibility.” I’m not saying that I believe anything too firmly, but after everything that I’ve looked into turns me more toward the idea that our government did this. They did this to get back at countries who won’t follow our way, to have oil, money, and power. They say we are fighting terrorists. I think we are the terrorists. Terrorists seek to accomplish things by means of using fear. They are doing it to control us, and others. Other countries can easily see us as terrorists. We are in their homeland killing people, and blowing things up. Innocent people are dying because we’re hunting down bad guys. I can’t be a patriotic person with these thoughts on my conscious. I think we did it to ourselves, and we’re only making things worse. We’re just pissing people off, and they will retaliate with great force, unless we do it to ourselves.

Now, riots are breaking out all over the world. People are killing their leaders. Everyone is starting to fight for true freedom. Our government is keeping many secrets from us, they always have. I will make a reference to a great book that I enjoy, and recommend it to anyone who wants to read more into stuff like this. The book is ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ by William Cooper. Tons of need to know info.

The revolution is at hand. Choose a side and fight. We shouldn’t have to get things done by fighting, but in order to have a future with complete peace, you’re gonna have to have a massive fight for things to be realized. It’s all happened before. Humans will never learn, it seems. There are plenty of people here to help bring things together, and put things on the right track, but something bad has to happen to bring them all together to complete their destiny. Destruction is not just an ending, but a beginning. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In An Instant

I sit with my head down, and arms crossed.
A very closed off position.
I don’t want to talk to anyone. I have nothing but negative things to say.
My self esteem and confidence is shot.
I go to sit alone at a bar, and drink my sorrows away.
Once I start feeling good and saucy, I meet someone.
We talk, laugh, and do random things in order to touch each other.
We hit it off great, they get me, they really get me.
In an instant I felt as if I was in love.
It fit perfectly into an open spot in the big picture of my life.
We leave together.
We drive down the freeway laughing, and enjoying the energy.
The sexual tension is heating.
Definitely seems like it will be a great night.
And in an instant, things change.
A motorcyclist speeds by, and gets ahead of us.
Then, suddenly flips, and crashes.
We see their body flop and fly.
I stop and reach into my pocket for my cell phone.
Before I can get it, and call 911, my passenger jumps out of the car,
and runs to the cyclists aid.
As they’re giving CPR, I dial for help.
A car zooms by and slams into the two on the freeway.
Both are thrown into the air.
The cyclist is tossed to the side,
and the one with me spins up the hood, arches over the car,
tumbles, and slides into the lane next to me.
Their eyes are wide open, and mouth agape with blood pouring out.
My heart pounds and I’m in complete shock.
It’s like one of those nightmares where you try to scream, but can’t.
This isn’t real, it can’t be real.
The person in the car that hit them gets out screaming hysterically.
They can’t be any older than 19 years.
In an instant lives are lost and lives are changed.
It was the happiest moment I could have ever experienced,
then it became the most unstable mental and emotional trauma of my life.
It wasn’t a nightmare.
I’ll never wake from this.
I won’t end my life.
I’ll appreciate and cherish every bit of it,
because it can all get taken away
in an instant.

Monday, October 17, 2011

We Need A Hero

This world is going to hell. I don’t mean that in the religious sense, I mean to literal shit. Governments all over are doing crazy things to their people, but even more, the people are doing something about it, taking a stand. Now, whether we agree with their tactics is a matter of opinion. I believe that someone does need to do it, but I’m not one of those people. I know the things that are going on in the world, I’m not stupid. I do care about everything that is going on. I’m speaking of the riots, the occupies, protests, government power, the economy, I know most of the ins and outs. I’m glad mass amounts of people gather in one spot to show themselves, and speak their voice. That’s a great way to get the attention of the law and government. I want to attend all these things myself, but I can’t help but think of all sorts of reasons of why not to go:

1) All I’m going to do is hear people yell about things I already know, or yell myself about what everyone else is yelling about, which makes me wonder exactly what the point is of me being there. What does it help, or serve?

2) I see all those people as a front-line in an army. You send out a mass number of people to prove a point, and get thoughts and ideas out, and wait to see what the answers are going to be. Then, once the answers come, you send in a second wave, then a third, and maybe more. Each wave has a different tactic, or goal in mind. They work together to obtain one ultimate goal. That being said, what usually happens to the front-line in wars? I believe that is were most of your casualties occur. I mean, you don’t hear about the generals or whoever going out with the front-line. Those mother-fuckers are staying behind to watch the outcome, and come up with strategies to take down the others. Playing a game of ‘Risk’, but using real people. You lose people and you say, “Well, fuck. Now we’ve learned something Let’s move on.” I see all those gathering people as the spot were the pebble is dropped in the pond. I’d rather be in the back, see the ripple coming, rise above it, then clean up after the wake, and make a fresh start. That’s what I’m meant to do. I can’t be a casualty of war. I don’t see it as being a coward, a non-participant/supporter, or anything like that. I just don’t think that's my job, not my wave. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from gathering, protesting, or whatever because, like I said, someone has to do it.

3) Like the second, if the the government really is intentionally doing all this screwed up stuff, or if there are terrorists, then ,don’t you think that they will enjoy having all the people who oppose them together in one area? That’s an easy target. I know, I know, people are going there for peace, therefore they want to settle by peaceful means. That’s bullshit. The ones in power don’t care, they have guns. Big guns. They can find/have people they can easily control and manipulate into killing all the innocent people, then just as easily cover their own ass. It could be to where the front-line doesn’t just have casualties of war, the entire front-line will be gone, and the other waves will have to runaway and hide for a while in order to come up with strategic moves against the power. So, if you’re just killed off with a snap of a finger, then the only thing that you did, or stood for was making a huge impact on those who are left, which is a big part, but not where I fit in. Some may say, “No this would never happen. They would never do a thing like that. You watch too many movies.” Well, it may not happen, and I may be completely paranoid, but I know there are plenty of others who have the same thoughts and ideas about this, so, that makes me believe that my “theory” is possible. And if my “theory” is possible, then that is not a risk I’m willing to take.

I know the world is bad and it needs to make a change to be better. There are tons of ideas out there that seem like they can work, and make complete sense, but we aren’t trying it on large scales to really judge what exactly would be better. The reason we don’t do these things is because certain people would lose, or not receive money. Money has become the most powerful thing in the world, and it doesn’t even really exist. This evil is controlling everything, and bringing the world down in flames, and where I live at the moment, that statement is literal.

So, in my opinion there is only one thing that could help us get out of this slump, and that one thing is a hero. We need a Hero to come and save us, or help us rather. I’m not talking about a Savior. I’m not wanting or expecting Jesus Christ to come back and save us, or save some actually, not all. I’m not expecting God to set Earth on fire. None of what I’m talking about relates to religious views or thoughts. I just want to make that clear. I’m talking a Hero, or Heroes. Like Batman, Iron Man, Tyler Durden, Justice League, or The Avengers. Real people with skills and talents in certain areas. Rich and powerful people who are knowledgeable, and are located on the inside of the source of evil. People who use their riches and power to take down the other bad rich and powerful people from the inside out. A computer wiz who can hack into banking systems and change numbers around.

We need these people, we need this to happen. I feel that is the only way, and I know there are many like me. Why else would they be making so many comic book movies, and making a fortune off of them? I would love to be one of these people, but sadly, I’m neither rich nor powerful. I do believe that these people will come out and do something, but I also feel that we just need to continue the path we’re going.

Regardless of what we need to do for the future, there is one thing that will inevitably happen. Exactly what that one thing is, I’m not sure, but it’s going to be big and bad. Catastrophic. That is the only way most people will realize the truth, and be motivated to do something to resolve the situation. I mean, America became more patriotic after 9/11, which doesn’t make sense, but that’s a whole other rant.

All I’m saying is be aware and be prepared. If you’re rich and powerful, look into what is going on in the world and do something positive to help the world progress properly. If you’re not rich or powerful, then do everything you can you think of that will help improve our lives in a positively progressive way. Let your voice be heard, claim your freedom, and fight to reach your ideals. Too many people live their lives in fear, and it holds everyone back. Don’t be scared, and stop judging based off appearances. Avoid mainstream media, and disregard what society says is right. Don’t be a dependent religious person and look, wait, or pray for someone, who is not going to come, to save you. Know that many will be lost, not everyone can make it, so, don’t let your emotions cloud your mentality. Knowledge is true power. Now, let’s make and become Heroes!