Safe, but Dangerous

"Is he good?" "Of course he's good, but he's not a tame lion."

"Knowledge is Power"

I only speak my opinion in my voice. How you take it, and what you hear is your choice.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Decision in Publishing

If you could help me out, please. I want to try a quick shot at getting published in an issue of Crazy Horse. The deadline is January 15, so, I don't feel I have enough time to write a whole new story that's good. I figured I could use one of the stories I've already done, but I need help deciding which is the better of the two, and some ideas to help tweak it (ie: certain details that I could be more specific or elaborate, spelling, grammar, loose ends, anything to help out). I want to choose one of the two. They are both posted on my site. One is 'Blue', which was posted in December 2010, or 'Waiting on an Angel' which I posted in July 2011. Just click the names to be directed to the stories. You can either send me a private e-mail, or leave a comment in the comment section. I'd greatly appreciate help on this. I'm just trying to throw myself out there. You never know what could happen. Thanks a ton! :)


  1. Ok...I personally liked "Blue" better because I'm a fan of the macabre and its what I write. However...I'm not sure people are ready for that story. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but you know, some people might get a little freaked out with that ending. I know I did and trust me, it takes A LOT to shock me.
    I'd go with "Waiting on an Angel" for your submission. If you can, find a literary magazine that caters to the horror, macabre and avant garde crowd if you want to submit "Blue". I might be able to help you with that. I can do some research, get some titles and pass them along.
    If you're free, I have a short story I'd like to have someone look over and critique. It's about murder but I feel it needs something more. Let me know via email or facebook.
    I hope you get published!

  2. Hahaha, I'm glad the ending shocked you. I did my job correctly. I actually turned that into a play and performed it. People had very interesting reactions, and all who worked on it still loves it, and think I should do more with it, and make a musical, haha. And someone had mentioned that I may not be able to submit either one because it's published online, and the book says that it has to be a non-published story, but I don't know if it's the same...If you could help me out with research finding some place to submit things, that would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to try and focus more on at least trying to publish something. I'm definitely down to read your story. Send away and I will get to it soon. Thanks again for commented and helping me out :)
