Safe, but Dangerous

"Is he good?" "Of course he's good, but he's not a tame lion."

"Knowledge is Power"

I only speak my opinion in my voice. How you take it, and what you hear is your choice.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bower Bird Blues

The iridescent Blue Satin Bower
Bird makes a place to bring a female, so
that they can mate. He gathers twigs, leaves, moss,
many materials to build a mating
place. Some make an archway and some may even
build a small tree. It all depends on his
style and nature. He meticulous
-ly places the twigs in their place. He goes
back over, checking to make sure it’s
what he wants. He gathers berries, feathers,
shells, and anything else he can find left
around that will help his place look and feel
more beautiful and set the mood. He will
use them for decorations on the walls
or on the ground. Delicately placing
blue leaves to build a bed. He spends many
months making his love place, then goes out to
seduce the female and bring her back to
investigate. She looks round, but never
goes in unless she plans to mate. He struts
and sings to impress her and show off his
masterpiece. Some females stay and some go.
Most prefer older more experienced
bower birds. Younger bower birds have a
single mate from dozens of visitors.

He uses his love and creativity
to build a place to impress, and yet he
still sings the blues. He is blue all over. His
feathers, his place, and his name are all blue.
The Satin Bower Bird is much like people,
or at least one person who sings the blues.

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